Sunday, February 12, 2012

Witness and Testimony Month Week 2

I look forward to Sunday mornings. My whole week revolves around Sunday morning when I get up and go to church. Every Sunday, I try to do my best to provide everyone who comes to church a pleasurable experience. I do all these things and every once and a while someone gives me a reson to believe that all these things I organize are worth while. One of those moments happened today when our Sunday School teacher Will Burgan gave his testimony today.
This was special to me because it was such a well developed testimony even though he has most of it written down on a paper I provided the class last week. You see, our Sunday School class is observing Witness and Testimony Month by having members give testimonies every week. I gave my testimony last week and asked Will to give his this week. We also have a volunteer for next week. The goal is to get everyone to write out their testimony and practice sharing it to others. I did it first so as not to put pressure on everyone else the first week. I also gave everyone a paper to help them set up their testimony and write it down. The paper also provided directions for marking their own Bibles. Today I went over that in more detail by providing them with old marked Bibles in the King James Version. I found them very useful and at the very least a good model for leading a person to Christ.
Witness and testimony month will continue next week with more witnessing tools and another testimony from another class member. I have found this to be a great blessing to see others grow by writing and sharing their testimony. You might want to write and share your testimony too if you haven't already done so.

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