Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday Night at Waldrop

This Wednesday evening, Waldrop was all about missions and prayer. Our Fellowship dinner tonight was provided as a fundraiser for the youth and to help with costs for our mission team going to New York this summer. Then our regular prayer meeting started with its normal music and prayer for those on the prayer list, but afterwards we listened to a special speaker from The Voice of the Martyrs. He provided everyone with a magazine that included a prayer map for all the perscuted countries that we need to remember during our prayertime. He offered subscriptions to the magazine and I signed up. He also gave away bracelets to remind us to pray for China while talking about the Chinese persecution. Despite the persecution, he said that China is leading thousands to Christ every day. Praise the Lord! He also provided everyone a copy of the book Tortured for Christ. In addition to all the freebees he also had a collection of books he was selling for a reduced price to any interested. Tonight, I will be praying for China and the other persecuted countries mentioned tonight.

Missions is so important in our prayer life and should be important in our own lives, but so many of us do not even think about it until someone reminds us about it. Why is missions so hard for us? We don't pray or act enough for missions. I have been on two mission trips and done some local work, but I always have felt that I have not prayed nearly enough. There is also more that I could have done. God commands us ALL to do missions. What can we do to improve our mission focus?

Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jeruselem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

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