Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Monster Movie Tournament

Today, I offically began the Monster Movie Tournament. You can watch my video explaining the tournament on You Tube. It's called "The Monster Movie Tournament" located on Trojanpear's channel.
This tournament is about watching movies, not Dracula or the Mummy, but Godzilla, Gamera, dinosaurs and other giant monsters. There is a 68 movie tournament with two play-in tournaments, a 16 and 8 movie tournament. Today marked the beginning of the 8 movie play-in tournament. The match-ups are listed in the bracket above, ranked according to my judgement of how well known the movies are or if many people have watched the movie.
The game goes like this: take your first match-up and watch the higher ranked movie first. After you watch it, score it as a basketball score. I consider 70 to 79 an average score. Watch the second movie the next day and score it. Compare the two scores. The higher score wins.
I will be completing the first round over the course of the next month. At that time I will report the results of the first round and move on to the next round. I also predicted which movies I believed would win and how confident I was in their victory. The predicted winners are: Inframan, Atragon, Varan, and Legend of the Dinosaurs.

Will you play the tournament? What were your outcomes? Were they what you expected? Who do you think will win and who should win?
Check out my video on you tube for more explanation of the tournament.

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