Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Sabbath

While reading my daily scripture passages for reading the Bible in one year, I read a passage from Leviticus which deals with something most people are familiar with. The passage is from Leviticus 23:3.

"There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a Sabbath to the Lord."

I have long wondered how we could obey the command to "observe the Sabbath." Work is something we all have to do everyday, and if not us, then someone else will. Then I read this passage from Leviticus 23:7.

"On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work."

This passage is decribing the Lord's Feast of Unleavened Bread, but it brought to light in me an understanding about the Sabbath as we observe it today. Our Sabbath is Sunday, the first day of the week. We hold weekly Worship services or "sacred assemblies" and many of us do no regular work on Sunday. I as a postman do not work on Sunday and try not to do any major projects that day, but as a Sunday School Director, I always found myself working hard at church. The work I do for the church on Sunday is not regular work. It is not dishonoring the Sabbath. Making simple meals on Sunday is not real work, but making large meals is. Services such as hospital, police, and fire services are not regular work because they are essential for our protection and well being, but some things that they do are not needed on the Sabbath. I applaud places that are not open for business on Sundays such as Chick-fil-a, schools, mail delivery, and some small businesses. They understand their services are not essential and that it is more important to "observe the Sabbath."

I spend my Sundays by going to Sunday School and Sunday Worship, taking a nap, and generally not doing any "regular work." One area I can improve is to eat minor meals and not go out on Sunday. Church potlucks are okay because all the work can be done Saturday night so that it is ready to go Sunday.

What are your thoughts about the Sabbath? How do you "observe the Sabbath and keep it holy?

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