Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Postman vs the Teacher

I am a mailman. I used to be a teacher. I went to college to be a high school math teacher and spent three years teaching high school kids. Now I deliver mail. If you ask me, I think I am more gifted at teaching, but I love being the mailman. I was praised by my supervisor who said that she wished she had ten others like me. That made me feel good. It was not the firsttime I have been praised as a mail carrier or even the only time that day. I never got complimented like that as a teacher. The schools were more worried about management of the classroom than if the teacher could actually teach well. As a mailman, I may not be the best in my ability, but I have proven myself to be hard working, reliable, efficient, and one who doesn't complain. I think this is what is wrong with the world today. Many people complain and don't give their best because they should be paid more or treated better. I think I am treated well and don't care what others think. Give your best and don't be a complainer. Just do your job.

Which job do you think would be better? What are your thoughts about working hardM LetKs discuss.

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