Monday, February 20, 2012

Club VBS Prep

I opened the administrators guide to the club VBS packet today. I have thought much about VBS for our church this year. It would be our first in three years. I knew that we would want to progress into the VBS world slowly because of our lack of experience and resourses. I am glad we chose the club VBS format because we can go as large or as small as we need to based on our amount of volunteers. I am thinking it will be more of a Backyard Bible Club this year and expand in the future.
There are many things that need to be done and I think that we may want some of the money that we raise in our yard sale next month should go to VBS. Our biggest holdup in the planning process is the selection of a date to hold VBS because the New York Mission Trip Team has not set a date for their summer trip. We do not want both of the events to overlap, especially because of the size of the church.Hopefully, once we have our date, some serious planning can begin. Until then, I'll just get familiar with the guide book and put a few minor plans into effect.

Is your church conducting a VBS? Has it ever done a Club VBS? I would love to hear how club VBS worked for you.

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