Saturday, February 18, 2012

The People Rebel

Well, this may seemlike a continuation of yesterday's blog, but that is because I read the continuation of the story in Numbers. This time in Numbers Chapter 16, the people are upset at what has happened and are looking to point the blame at Moses. They approach him and tell him what they don't like about his leadership. They are ready to remove Moses from his role until God shows them that they are wrong. He causes the earth to swallow up those who opposed Moses. Then, instead of realizing the error of their ways, the people rebel against Moses again because of what happened to the people who died earlier.
You can think, as I did, why are these people so stupid to oppose Moses when he is clearly on the Lord's side, but I see the same things happening today. Churches go through divisions all the time because people have such strong convictions against what their leader or leaders are doing that they begin to oppose the leader for poor reasons. Now, some opposition is reasonable if the leadership has done something unacceptable such as commit a sinful act worth of removal. This is not what I am refering to. I am talking about changing buildings, services, leadership structures, or anything that is not on God's priority list, but ours. Remember to keep perspective focused on the things that will matter more to God and trust that your leaders are doing what they believe God is leading them to do.
If you want to tell a preacher how to preach then preach. If you want to tell leaders how to lead then lead. If you want to tell teacher how to teach, then teach. If you are not in these positions, then you should not oppose your leaders. If you believe that someone needs to start a project or fill a position then maybe God is telling you to do it yourself instead of complaining about leaders who are not doing anything about it. We oppose leaders because sometimes we don't like what God wants to do so in reality we oppose God.
What do you think? Can we be for God while opposing his appointed leader especially if that person has committed no wrong against God? Or are we really against God because we don't like what He has revealed to us?

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