Thursday, February 23, 2012

February Fellowship

Tonight was our Sunday School group's monthly fellowship, and this month we went to Jason's Deli. The first fellowship we had seven attendees and tonight we had twelve. We had a great time and will have another fellowship next month.
This is something that is very simple to plan and we plan to do it every month. We can make the event as large or small as we feel. Since we are just starting, we are taking it small with restaurants. The goal is to plan the next one as soon as the current one ends and finalize it by the end of the month. We also set the same date and time for the fellowships every month to help people who work plan to attend by taking the day off in advance. We invite all class members and prospects. This is a great inreach and outreach activity since it can be easier to connect people through fellowship than in church. Though we have not been successful with prospects yet, it still has brought great excitement to our class and other classes who are interested in starting this as well.

Does your class or group have monthly fellowships? Has your class or group had a fellowship recently? Maybe it's time to start. Invite every member and every prospect to your fellowships every month.

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