Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday

Another day of election chaos. Newt Gingrich won Georgia. Big surprise there. Actually it was a surprise that Newt even had to campaign in Georgia. Even though Newt lives in Virginia, he claimed Georgia as his home state and got his only victory of the night. His current state Virginia he did not receive one vote since he and Rick Santorum could not get their names on the ballot. Mitt Romney won there. He also won Vermont, Massachusetts, Ohio, Idaho, and Alaska. Rick Santorum won Tennessee, Oklahoma, and North Dakota. Ron Paul won no states and puts him at 0 for 23 so far. It is now clear that both Ron and Newt are no longer viable candidates, and this race will come down to either Rick or Mitt. I believe Mitt will win, but this race is still interesting. I believe Rick will win most of the states that will be voting this month.

Who do you think will win? How long will the primary season last? Whatever happens I hope that you excercise your right to vote.

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