Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cup of Coffee, A Slice of Pie, and Doughnuts

I suppose you noticed that I have been watching my favorite show again. Most normal people watch their favorite show on T.V. when it comes on during its designated time slot each week with commercials or without if your show is on a network like HBO. I don't do this. I find it difficult to sit down at a designated time each week to watch a show on TV that may or may not be a new episode. If I watch shows with any regularity, it is on DVD. This means I do not keep up to date with any of the shows that people like to talk about afterwards "around the water cooler." I will watch new and old shows that I have never seen before every once and a while, watching several episodes at a time without commercial interruption on my time.
A few years ago, I was asked to try this show that I had heard about on commercials in 1990. As a kid I did not bother to try the show, but I became intriuged over the years. The show had a two hour pilot that we watched first which was directed by one of the shows creators known for directing many movies, although I had never heard of him at the time. His name was David Lynch and the show was Twin Peaks, a strange, dark mystery with a lot of quirkiness. It was not until about the forth episode that I realized I was hooked and the show not only is one of my favorites, it is my favorite show of all time. I have also become a fan of David Lynch movies although I have not seen many of his movies so far. I still have not had the chance to watch all of the show yet, but I at least know who killed Laura Palmer.

What's your favorite show all-time or current? How do you watch TV shows? Are there many that you will sit down to watch or are you more like me? Are you familiar with Twin Peaks? Do you enjoy it like I do or do you have issues with it? I would love to hear your responses.

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