Thursday, January 28, 2016

Two New Videos

Things continue to be busy here, but I have maintained my schedule of uploading new videos every Friday. The first video from January 15th was a previously lost video from last year's Super Dope Party. I found some footage on my personal Facebook page and used it in the video. The quality is not good, and it is only a two minute cat video, but I wanted to post it for future reference.

The last video I posted on January 22nd was a highly anticipated video that we made a few weeks back. It was requested by my sister, Scarlettpear that we all try Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans as a sort of game. I had it filmed as part of my new series Trojanpear and Friends and posted the video last Friday.

Trojanpear and Friends Try Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

If you want us to try something you can let us know by commenting on any of the Trojanpear formats such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, mail, or here. To increase the chances of us trying the item, it would be beneficial to send us the item by mail at PO Box 8166, Columbus, GA 31908. We already have another item to try in the near future. New video will be uploaded tomorrow to The Trojanpear at the normal time. Enjoy! 

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