Monday, February 1, 2016

First Month Evaluation

Today begins a new month. It is time to evaluate my goals I set in December and see if I am happy with where I am right now.

1. I am happy to have limited my decision to find a church home for Sunday nights due to my work schedule. I am still waiting for one critical piece of information that I thought I would have already known by now, but that is beyond my control.

2. I have been reading my Bible every day and finished three books to this point.

3. Work is getting better. They are in the process of hiring three new RCA's, I got one Sunday off (finally!), and we now report at 7:30 instead of 8:00.

4. I am about 52% complete with my 2016 room cleaning initiative with one month to go before March's Spring Cleaning begins.

5. While exercise and diet have been inconsistent so far, I have improved my overall eating habits with more water and less dessert.

6. I only watched one Bond movie and did one Monster Movie Tournament matchup this month, but did watch one movie at the theater. I also have been better with my schedule of watching movies, YouTube videos, and shows like Portlandia.

7. While reading has been very inconsistent, I still have read two books which is 33% of my total from last year.

8. I have been so busy, it has been hard to blog and organize the YouTube videos, but progress has been made. I have most importantly uploaded a video every Friday so far.

9. 2nd and Charles has provided me with several new games that I have been able to play every Friday night so far.

10. Saturday Nights with Friends has been able to happen every week with games, movies, making YouTube videos, and doughnuts.

Final Thoughts: While improvements are needed, I am pleased that every area has seen improvement from the previous month!

How are your goals looking so far?

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