Monday, January 4, 2016

The New Year Is Going Strong

It is now the 4th day of the new year and I can say that things are still going well. Saturday, I kicked off the new work year by getting rid of my old shoes and wearing my other shoes I had been holding until this moment. I also my new eating strategy for the new year.

Yesterday was a busy day. I had to work delivering Amazon packages. When I came home, I went with my father to 2nd and Charles. It was his first time there. It has only opened a few months ago, but it is easily one of my favorite places. I have bought many old games already from there.

Later that day I went to an evening worship service since I had to work that morning. When I came home, I watched a few YouTube videos before reading and bed.

Now today I hope to launch my yearly room cleaning initiative. I have taken my chair that broke and threw it out. Now I need to go get a new one today. I plan on playing the Monster Movie Tournament tonight. I will be watching #2Gojira and then tomorrow watch #15 Tokyo S.O.S.

I am beginning to work on the new Trojanpear video. It will be ready Friday. Hope your new year is going strong as well.

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