Tuesday, January 12, 2016

So Busy...

Wow! Things have been crazy since my last blog. I have been working almost everyday, and with all the other things I needed to do, it has been one busy week.

First, I did not get to start my Monster Movie Tournament matchup last week. It will start next week. This week will be the week I begin watching the James Bond movies. First up, Dr. No. I am also working on the Mad Max series and have now seen The Road Warrior. I expect to receive Beyond Thunderdome soon. I am also almost through with The Bible miniseries.

The room cleaning initiative began last week and I cleaned my desk. I also bought a new chair for my desk.

Friday was FNS. Started by playing Super Mario Bros. I beat it (without taking shortcuts) in less than an hour and watched an episode of my favorite show of 2015, Portlandia. I also uploaded my latest video on YouTube. In it, I discuss my plans for 2016 for all my Trojanpear series and changes coming up.
Saturday was game night at ChillWilliWill's house. The gang tried out some of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. It was hilarious and we got it all on film too! It will be coming to YouTube on January 22nd part of the new Trojanpear and Friends series. We also played Uno. Squidrift won with Scarlettpear as the runner-up.

Sunday was my Dad's birthday. We went to Sapo's Mexican Restaurant for dinner. I posted a brief review on their Facebook page if you want to see what I thought. 4 out of 5 stars. It was also the Golden Globes night. I watched a little of it before passing out for the night. I was surprised by some of the results. We will see how things go on my favorite awards show, The Critics Choice next week.

Well gotta go get some lunch. Meeting ChillWilliWill for some Hibachiiiiiii!!!!!!

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