Monday, October 22, 2012

New NPA Episode Coming to YouTube

I am happy to say that aftermany months, I have finally completed the latest episode of the Nintendo Power Adventure. It will be downloaded to YouTube soon after this post is completed. In the video, I preview the first edition of The Nintendo Fun Club News which is the magazine series that was released before the Nintendo Power series was created. Since the issue is so short(only six pages) I am able to cover every section of the magazine around seventeen minutes. I may not be quite as in depth in the future since each issue gets longer, but I will try to make sure all key parts are discussed. I welcome your thoughts and questions about the video. Please let me know by commenting here or on the video comment section on youtube or you can email me as my email is available. In the next episode, I plan on covering the games that were featured in the first issue: Super Mario Bros., Excitebike, and Hogan's Alley as well as a bonus game: Duck Hunt. A new Monster Movie Tournament is on the way as well as other projects. Can't wait to hear your predictions on who will win in the second round. So long for now and remember... to enjoy the adventure.

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