Saturday, October 27, 2012

Church Halloween Party

I just got back from my church's first halloween party. It was fun. Some of us dressed in costumes such as yours truly. I was the Grand Wizard from the Worst Witch as you can see here.

My sister was there with me and she was kind of her own character. She was a reviewer from Channel Awesome. She was a mix between the Nostalgia Chick and Lupa if I remember correctly. Here is her picture.

My friend Will was the "Master of Ceremony" for this party. He was dressed as Rorschach from the Watchmen. This is a picture of him.

This party was a huge success considering it almost didn't happen. It was originally scheduled for Friday, but had to be postponed. Because it was on Saturday night, we could not party very long since we had to be ready for service on Sunday. That meant less food, only one movie, and I did not get any footage of the "Dancing Baptists" which I was looking so forward to putting in my video for Halloween. Maybe next year.

The video I made for the party, called Trojanpear's Halloween Party, will be uploaded to youtube on Halloween, probably around 5pm. So look out for it. You can subscribe to my youtube channel to keep track. You can also stay informed by liking my facebook page, following me on twitter, or following my blog. Also, comment and rate to let me know what you think. There are many options, so take advantage of them.

Got to get ready now for Sunday Service and Sunday School. Until next time.


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