Friday, October 26, 2012

Many Changes/Upgrades

First, it was the logo.

Next, was the cover art which included the the different images representing each category.

Now, come the changes, the additions, the upgrades.

These last few days have been busy. Not just with this, but with all the other projects I have had to do that have nothing to do with The Trojanpear videos. Having said that, I want to explain exclusively about what you can expect to see from The Trojanpear if you have not seen it already.

You already know about the logo, and you can see the cover art pictured above. I have already proceeded to place these images everywhere appropriate such as this bolg and youtube. I am also plastering them on all the new outlets I have created. There are two: Facebook and Twitter.

I have been using a facebook account previously for my own personal use, but felt that I needed a page that would represent The Trojanpear. I will probably use that page more often than my personal page, so if you haven't already done so, you may want to go to and like the page to get all the updates.

Don't have facebook? Maybe you have twitter instead. Or maybe you have both. That's great because I also have a twitter account. This is the first time I have ever used twitter, so it may take some getting used to. You can follow me on

I plan on making another video soon. I have two videos that I really want to do, but I have to get started soon or it will be too late. I may also do a special short on a church Halloween party I will be attending. It was originally scheduled for tonight, but was postponed for tomorrow.

What do you think of all the new features/changes? I want to also come up with an intro/theme for my videos, but I am not there yet. Suggestions or assistance is always helpful.

Until next time everyone,


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