Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trojanpear's Halloween Party on Youtube

Well, as secheduled, I uploaded the new Trojanpear video today on the Halloween party I went to last Friday. You can see the video on youtube or you can download it from twitter or facebook. It is easily one of my favorite videos. I think this is because I try so many new things in this video which I never attempted before.

Now, I am working on my next video which will be ready soon as well. It is my next video in the "Book Club" series. I will highlight a book for the month of November. I also want to do another video for the election coming up. Godzilla's 59th birthday is also around the corner. I would like to do something for that as well. Let's not forget about the fact I need to post a new Monster Movie Tournament episode soon. So much in so little time. I am worried about how good these will be with there being so little time to prepare, but if they work out like the Halloween video, I will be happy.

Until next time.

Blessings and Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Church Halloween Party

I just got back from my church's first halloween party. It was fun. Some of us dressed in costumes such as yours truly. I was the Grand Wizard from the Worst Witch as you can see here.

My sister was there with me and she was kind of her own character. She was a reviewer from Channel Awesome. She was a mix between the Nostalgia Chick and Lupa if I remember correctly. Here is her picture.

My friend Will was the "Master of Ceremony" for this party. He was dressed as Rorschach from the Watchmen. This is a picture of him.

This party was a huge success considering it almost didn't happen. It was originally scheduled for Friday, but had to be postponed. Because it was on Saturday night, we could not party very long since we had to be ready for service on Sunday. That meant less food, only one movie, and I did not get any footage of the "Dancing Baptists" which I was looking so forward to putting in my video for Halloween. Maybe next year.

The video I made for the party, called Trojanpear's Halloween Party, will be uploaded to youtube on Halloween, probably around 5pm. So look out for it. You can subscribe to my youtube channel to keep track. You can also stay informed by liking my facebook page, following me on twitter, or following my blog. Also, comment and rate to let me know what you think. There are many options, so take advantage of them.

Got to get ready now for Sunday Service and Sunday School. Until next time.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Many Changes/Upgrades

First, it was the logo.

Next, was the cover art which included the the different images representing each category.

Now, come the changes, the additions, the upgrades.

These last few days have been busy. Not just with this, but with all the other projects I have had to do that have nothing to do with The Trojanpear videos. Having said that, I want to explain exclusively about what you can expect to see from The Trojanpear if you have not seen it already.

You already know about the logo, and you can see the cover art pictured above. I have already proceeded to place these images everywhere appropriate such as this bolg and youtube. I am also plastering them on all the new outlets I have created. There are two: Facebook and Twitter.

I have been using a facebook account previously for my own personal use, but felt that I needed a page that would represent The Trojanpear. I will probably use that page more often than my personal page, so if you haven't already done so, you may want to go to and like the page to get all the updates.

Don't have facebook? Maybe you have twitter instead. Or maybe you have both. That's great because I also have a twitter account. This is the first time I have ever used twitter, so it may take some getting used to. You can follow me on

I plan on making another video soon. I have two videos that I really want to do, but I have to get started soon or it will be too late. I may also do a special short on a church Halloween party I will be attending. It was originally scheduled for tonight, but was postponed for tomorrow.

What do you think of all the new features/changes? I want to also come up with an intro/theme for my videos, but I am not there yet. Suggestions or assistance is always helpful.

Until next time everyone,


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Take Action!

I attended my church's monthly business meeting tonight. In this meeting, something was about to happen that I knew wasn't right. I originally thought that I could wait to bring it up between now and the next meeting because I belived that there was going to be no vote this month, but when I realized there was going to be a vote and no one else noticed what I noticed, I took action. I first made sure that my suspicions were correct by asking questions. When I found out I was right, I pointed out the issue and when the leaders realized what I was trying to tell them, they quickly explained and postponed the vote until all issues would be corrected. Why do I bring this up? Because I want to encourage everyone out there to be informed and when you know or believe something is not right and no one else is saying anything, you need to step up and take action. It does not matter if they are the leaders and you are just one person, sometimes the leaders make mistakes and you need to try to correct those mistakes or issues. I have learned this important lesson in the last four years of being involved in groups, committees, and meetings. I can recall several important decisions that were made during that time and I had opportunities to say something but I did not. I trusted that my leaders knew better and kept my mouth shut. Each and every time I did, I now look back on each one and wish I would have said something or done something different. It might not have changed people's minds in some cases, but at least I would be able to look back and say, "At least I stepped up and took action." Tonight I can say that and it prevented a major issue going forward. Are there times when you feel you could have stepped up and took action for something you knew was important but didn't? Do you regret those times? Well, don't. God gives us these experiences for a reason: to learn from your mistakes and not keep repeating them. So don't be intimidated. Take action!

Monday, October 22, 2012

New NPA Episode Coming to YouTube

I am happy to say that aftermany months, I have finally completed the latest episode of the Nintendo Power Adventure. It will be downloaded to YouTube soon after this post is completed. In the video, I preview the first edition of The Nintendo Fun Club News which is the magazine series that was released before the Nintendo Power series was created. Since the issue is so short(only six pages) I am able to cover every section of the magazine around seventeen minutes. I may not be quite as in depth in the future since each issue gets longer, but I will try to make sure all key parts are discussed. I welcome your thoughts and questions about the video. Please let me know by commenting here or on the video comment section on youtube or you can email me as my email is available. In the next episode, I plan on covering the games that were featured in the first issue: Super Mario Bros., Excitebike, and Hogan's Alley as well as a bonus game: Duck Hunt. A new Monster Movie Tournament is on the way as well as other projects. Can't wait to hear your predictions on who will win in the second round. So long for now and remember... to enjoy the adventure.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Changes Coming!

I'm back! After months of inactivity, your friendly neighborhood mailman, The Trojanpear is ready to deliver everyone some more videos of The Monster Movie Tournament, The Nintendo Power Adventure, Trojanpear's Book Club and many more. I began my return with a new Monster Movie Tournament video where I spent a lot of time trying to catch up on matchups in the first round of the second play-in tournament. I also show off a few new tricks I have up my sleeve since my last video. I then re-posted my first Trojanpear Presents video Crypt Keeper at the Beach. In this version, I fixed the audio problems I had in the original video. Now I am working on updates to my youtube channel and adding new features that will improve the enjoyment, entrtainment, and involvement of my increasing base of followers. One project I am working on is to come up with a image or logo to be featured as my trademark. If you have any ideas or suggestions, comment or email me at and give me your thoughts or ideas. I would love the feedback. Thanks for reading! Don't forget towatch my videos on by Trojanpear.