Monday, February 1, 2016

First Month Evaluation

Today begins a new month. It is time to evaluate my goals I set in December and see if I am happy with where I am right now.

1. I am happy to have limited my decision to find a church home for Sunday nights due to my work schedule. I am still waiting for one critical piece of information that I thought I would have already known by now, but that is beyond my control.

2. I have been reading my Bible every day and finished three books to this point.

3. Work is getting better. They are in the process of hiring three new RCA's, I got one Sunday off (finally!), and we now report at 7:30 instead of 8:00.

4. I am about 52% complete with my 2016 room cleaning initiative with one month to go before March's Spring Cleaning begins.

5. While exercise and diet have been inconsistent so far, I have improved my overall eating habits with more water and less dessert.

6. I only watched one Bond movie and did one Monster Movie Tournament matchup this month, but did watch one movie at the theater. I also have been better with my schedule of watching movies, YouTube videos, and shows like Portlandia.

7. While reading has been very inconsistent, I still have read two books which is 33% of my total from last year.

8. I have been so busy, it has been hard to blog and organize the YouTube videos, but progress has been made. I have most importantly uploaded a video every Friday so far.

9. 2nd and Charles has provided me with several new games that I have been able to play every Friday night so far.

10. Saturday Nights with Friends has been able to happen every week with games, movies, making YouTube videos, and doughnuts.

Final Thoughts: While improvements are needed, I am pleased that every area has seen improvement from the previous month!

How are your goals looking so far?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Two New Videos

Things continue to be busy here, but I have maintained my schedule of uploading new videos every Friday. The first video from January 15th was a previously lost video from last year's Super Dope Party. I found some footage on my personal Facebook page and used it in the video. The quality is not good, and it is only a two minute cat video, but I wanted to post it for future reference.

The last video I posted on January 22nd was a highly anticipated video that we made a few weeks back. It was requested by my sister, Scarlettpear that we all try Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans as a sort of game. I had it filmed as part of my new series Trojanpear and Friends and posted the video last Friday.

Trojanpear and Friends Try Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans

If you want us to try something you can let us know by commenting on any of the Trojanpear formats such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, mail, or here. To increase the chances of us trying the item, it would be beneficial to send us the item by mail at PO Box 8166, Columbus, GA 31908. We already have another item to try in the near future. New video will be uploaded tomorrow to The Trojanpear at the normal time. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

So Busy...

Wow! Things have been crazy since my last blog. I have been working almost everyday, and with all the other things I needed to do, it has been one busy week.

First, I did not get to start my Monster Movie Tournament matchup last week. It will start next week. This week will be the week I begin watching the James Bond movies. First up, Dr. No. I am also working on the Mad Max series and have now seen The Road Warrior. I expect to receive Beyond Thunderdome soon. I am also almost through with The Bible miniseries.

The room cleaning initiative began last week and I cleaned my desk. I also bought a new chair for my desk.

Friday was FNS. Started by playing Super Mario Bros. I beat it (without taking shortcuts) in less than an hour and watched an episode of my favorite show of 2015, Portlandia. I also uploaded my latest video on YouTube. In it, I discuss my plans for 2016 for all my Trojanpear series and changes coming up.
Saturday was game night at ChillWilliWill's house. The gang tried out some of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. It was hilarious and we got it all on film too! It will be coming to YouTube on January 22nd part of the new Trojanpear and Friends series. We also played Uno. Squidrift won with Scarlettpear as the runner-up.

Sunday was my Dad's birthday. We went to Sapo's Mexican Restaurant for dinner. I posted a brief review on their Facebook page if you want to see what I thought. 4 out of 5 stars. It was also the Golden Globes night. I watched a little of it before passing out for the night. I was surprised by some of the results. We will see how things go on my favorite awards show, The Critics Choice next week.

Well gotta go get some lunch. Meeting ChillWilliWill for some Hibachiiiiiii!!!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2016

The New Year Is Going Strong

It is now the 4th day of the new year and I can say that things are still going well. Saturday, I kicked off the new work year by getting rid of my old shoes and wearing my other shoes I had been holding until this moment. I also my new eating strategy for the new year.

Yesterday was a busy day. I had to work delivering Amazon packages. When I came home, I went with my father to 2nd and Charles. It was his first time there. It has only opened a few months ago, but it is easily one of my favorite places. I have bought many old games already from there.

Later that day I went to an evening worship service since I had to work that morning. When I came home, I watched a few YouTube videos before reading and bed.

Now today I hope to launch my yearly room cleaning initiative. I have taken my chair that broke and threw it out. Now I need to go get a new one today. I plan on playing the Monster Movie Tournament tonight. I will be watching #2Gojira and then tomorrow watch #15 Tokyo S.O.S.

I am beginning to work on the new Trojanpear video. It will be ready Friday. Hope your new year is going strong as well.

Friday, January 1, 2016

A New Year For The Trojanpear

Happy New Year everyone! I'm back!

A new year brings new goals and objectives to improve upon those things I did not do as well as I would have liked. There was the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The good:
2015 will be known as "The Year of the Promotion" as my dad was promoted to Sargent, my sister was promoted to full time, ChillWilliWill was promoted to Dean, and I went from the 4th RCA to the 2nd RCA in one year.
I read the Bible in one year, finishing Wednesday.
I found a new morning routine that has been more successful than any I have had in several years.

The bad:
I only read 6 books this year, one of my worst reading years ever.
Many routines planned in 2015 never fully materialized.

The ugly:
One word - Church. My vision for 2015 was not accepted, other plans fell apart, and I began to have to work more often on Sundays which has forced me into a situation where I do not know where to go heading into 2016.

I am hoping for big things or many little things to happen in 2016. My theme is "The Year of Organization." Being organized will help ensure that I do all the things I want to do this year. I am not doing it all at once, though. I have mapped out all the things I want to start within the first two weeks with a few areas being held off until I develop a better understanding of what I want to do.

It actually began yesterday with the start of my new plan to read the Bible in a year. I also launched the new Trojanpear video plan for 2016 with a look back at my favorites in 2015. I called it the 2015 Pear Awards. You can watch it here:

2015 Pear Awards

Today, I begin following my regular schedule that I tweaked over the last several months. Some new events I will be focusing on today include the return to blogging and updating The Trojanpear facebook and twitter pages, a little morning exercise, and my new emphasis on reading begins tonight with Cop Hater by Ed McBain.

Much more still to come so stay tuned...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Cover Art Finished!

I am now completely caught up with all cover art updates! I also posted a new video last Wednesday, an old video that I brought back called Trojanpear Reacts To The Ending Of Bunnicula Strikes Again! Here they all are:

Coming Sunday: The long awaited Family Game Night Video from Trojanpear's Sunday School.