Sunday, October 12, 2014

Working on Videos and A Cookout!

Sunday is my day to focus on my other channel Trojanpear's Sunday School. I have been working on transferring my series Pajama Preaching to the channel and today I just reposted it with its new cover art. Check it out:

I love this cover art with the piles of pajamas in the background that have been colorized, the cat holding the Bible, and the featured video picture which has our cat Lovie who passed away in April this year. The video is, in my opinion, not as good as the first since I laid my notes on the bed and would often look down which was not as noticeable in the first video. I also made reference that I was in Matthew 6 when it was obviously chapter 5. I did enjoy seeing the cats more in the video though.

I also started my Trojanpear's Sunday School playlist on The Trojanpear channel today by adding The Master of Ceremony Trilogy which is a series that related to my Sunday School channel. This playlist much like the Those Guys playlist serves as a way to introduce the other channels I have.

Before doing all this, I began my Sunday as I usually do by going to worship at Waldrop. The morning ended with a special Columbus Day weekend Cookout held by our group. We had 10 people show up which is about our group's average size.

The fun doesn't end with our group either. We are going to have another fellowship on Tuesday when we spend A Night at the Fair. What are you planning to do for Columbus Day? Picnic? Sleep? Maybe your one who still has to work and did something special for the weekend. In whatever you do, I look forward to your comments and wish you blessings.

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