Saturday, October 11, 2014

I'm Back to Blogging Again! What is Going On Now?

I am finally back to blogging! If you have been keeping track of what has been going on though my Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube pages, you will have noticed many changes lately. So, what exactly is going on? Well, let me start from the beginning...

I spent some time (like a year) at another church and during that time I created another channel called Trojanpear's Sunday School. My plans were to launch this channel for my Christian friends that I felt would enjoy a channel about how we did things in the church. There became a problem and the channel never evolved as I originally wanted it to, so I began debating what I needed to do about it. In the meantime, I went back to Waldrop Memorial Baptist Church and reunited with the Burgan Group as I took things I learned and began to apply them to our group for church activities and organization. During our rebuilding of our group, a project that me, Will, and Laban had been talking about doing finally was getting started: Those Guys From Another Dimension.

The Let's Play series is stylized like Mystery Science Theater 3000 where we play games and let loose our thoughts and opinions of whatever was going on. When Laban created the channel and posted the first video, I enjoyed what we got so much that it energized me to return to my own videos with a renewed interest in updating my own style.

The updates began with my own page, redoing the coverart of the channel and helping our Those Guys page look better. I then began posting coverart for my videos which I am still working on to date. This past week I made the major decision to go back to a format I had wanted to do at the beginning of the year but never really did because it was too hard, but I figured out a way to make it work this time. I would work on my series on set days of the week.

The plan to feature certain series on set days of the week officially began Sunday with Trojanpear's Sunday School. I decided to revive the channel and put my Pajama Preaching series on it as well as a new series coming soon involving our work in the church. Monday is The Monster Movie Tournament which I am doing most of my coverart work currently. Tuesday is Trojanpear's Cats which features my 2 minute videos about the odd behaviors of my cats. Wednesday is the new Trojanpear's Book Club which is being changed in a direction I think will better reflect what I want the series to look like in the future. Thursday is Those Guys. Now, I do not post Those Guys videos, but I am posting our Sound Test we did that did not have video that could be worked with. Friday is The Nintendo Power Adventure which has been finally been green lighted since I have a clear direction for the series now. Saturday is my day to work on other things like Trojanpear Presents until I start another series to be announced in the future.

This is what is going on and what I hope to have going on in the future. I would recommend that you follow this blog, like my Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter, to continue to get updates of what is going on with all the series I am working on even if I have not yet posted a new video. You can also write to me at PO Box 8166, Columbus, GA 31908. I love hearing from you. Some have made requests. I have enjoyed honoring those requests and your feedback. It truly keeps me energized in doing these things.

That's all for now. Church tomorrow. Uploading the rest of Pajama Preaching series to Trojanpear's Sunday School. Blessings!  

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