Sunday, April 5, 2015

New Series: Trojanpear's Food Club! First Up: Pizza Hut

Saturday I posted my first video in the new Trojanpear's Food Club Series: Trojanpear Goes To Pizza Hut. Here is the video.

This new food club series will be posted on Saturdays, either the first or second one of the month, and will explore three different categories:

1. Cooking Series - This will be introduced later in the series. I hope to eventually make this the focus of the series in the future. I will prepare dishes, drinks, desserts, etc. as well as discuss some of the influential cooks of my childhood.

2. Tasting Series - I will occasionally try foods or drinks and give my opinion of them. Some videos would be ranking my favorites in different food and drink categories.

3. Eat Out Series - This is currently what I am working on. I will go to various restaurants and give my opinion of them as well as compare similar establishments.

This video on Pizza Hut is the first on my search for the best pizza in town with the best deal, appearance, etc. I made two videos in this series already, but I will be revisiting these two establishments because I did not go into full detail on which ones were the best based on ALL factors. I think this series has great potential and am looking forward to what is coming in this series.

What do you think about the new series idea?

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