Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Almost Caught Up!

Last week I worked on Trojanpear's Book Club and Trojanpear Presents cover art. This week I expect to finish most cover art updates and progress forward with videos. I will post a video Wednesday that may be familiar to some as it is a re-upload of a video I posted a few years back. I will then make a slight deviation in my plans as a new subscriber requested more Monster Movie Tournament videos, so I will be posting a new video for that series next. Until then, enjoy all the new cover art:

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cover Art Troubles

Tuesday, I created 4 new cover art title cards for Trojanpear's Cats, but had truble uploading them to Youtube. The problem is fixed now. Here they are:

I also posted the long awaited video in the Monster Movie Tournament Monday. I enjoyed how things worked out with this video because this video required a lot of work. I will have even more cover art updates to share tomorrow. Until then, here is the new video:

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Looking Back In A New Trojanpear's Cats Video

Tuesday I posted my newest video from Trojanpear's Cats, Coming Home.

This short video, part of my 2 minute series, is a old video I shot back when I received my Flip Camera around the time of the Dope Party video. It was originally part of a series of video shorts I was going to compile as part of a video called "A Night at the Rivercenter" that I never did. I have lost all the other videos except this one. It is not much more than a look at some of the cats who welcome us home. It is nice to see some of the cats like Larry and Eely who passed away.

New cover art updates have been posted. I will blog about it tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Monster Movie Tournament Cover Art Updated!

Yesterday I completed the remaining cover art updates to the Monster Movie Tournament series. Here they are:

I also posted a new video Sunday to my Trojanpear's Sunday School channel. It's a video I made back in December about my future plans for the channel including a detailed look at my vision for our Sunday School group for the new year. The video, titled Vision 2015, was supposed to introduce you to what would be happening in the coming months in the Sunday School including goals for 2015. I did not post the video until now because the plan was not accepted by the group so I felt it was pointless to upload it; however, it is still a good look into yearly planning ideas that you or your church may want to think about implementing in some way. Here is the video:


If you are not subscribed to Trojanpear's Sunday School and you're interested in these church or Bible Study related topics, please subscribe on Youtube to stay informed on upcoming videos. More on the way soon. Blessings.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

New Series: Trojanpear's Food Club! First Up: Pizza Hut

Saturday I posted my first video in the new Trojanpear's Food Club Series: Trojanpear Goes To Pizza Hut. Here is the video.

This new food club series will be posted on Saturdays, either the first or second one of the month, and will explore three different categories:

1. Cooking Series - This will be introduced later in the series. I hope to eventually make this the focus of the series in the future. I will prepare dishes, drinks, desserts, etc. as well as discuss some of the influential cooks of my childhood.

2. Tasting Series - I will occasionally try foods or drinks and give my opinion of them. Some videos would be ranking my favorites in different food and drink categories.

3. Eat Out Series - This is currently what I am working on. I will go to various restaurants and give my opinion of them as well as compare similar establishments.

This video on Pizza Hut is the first on my search for the best pizza in town with the best deal, appearance, etc. I made two videos in this series already, but I will be revisiting these two establishments because I did not go into full detail on which ones were the best based on ALL factors. I think this series has great potential and am looking forward to what is coming in this series.

What do you think about the new series idea?

Friday, April 3, 2015

Trojanpear's Top 10 Videos of 2014 Is Finally Here

As stated in my opening tag for this video, it's three months late, but better late than never. My annual look back at my favorite videos I created the past year is back for its third year. This may be the best of the three as it is a little more creative and has some great moments to look back on. I encourage you to check these videos out to get an idea of what you are missing. You can find these videos on my Trojanpear Presents playlist. This video does not have a cover art image yet as I am not ready for one on this video yet.

Also, get ready for another video tomorrow as I launch my new series, Trojanpear's Food Club. We'll be "making it great."