Friday, March 27, 2015

The Trojanpear Returns!

I am back and posting new videos again. Here is my first one of 2015: A Message From The Trojanpear.

In this simple 7 minute video, I explain my absence and plans for the future. I will be updating my video cover art as well as moving around some of my videos. This has already begun as I did several cover art updates last night. I will post those updates tomorrow on the blog. I note in the video that I will be updating regularly but was somewhat vague about how often because things change constantly and I did not want to commit myself to something I could not deliver. Let me try to explain my goal:

1. I will be posting in 7 - 9 categories with each playlist assigned to a specific day of the week to be uploaded.

Sunday - Trojanpear's Sunday School, Pajama Preaching (will be posted to either The Trojanpear channel or Trojanpear's Sunday School channel)

Monday - Monster Movie Tournament

Tuesday - Trojanpear's Cats

Wednesday - Trojanpear's Book Club

Thursday - Trojanpear Presents, Those Guys From Another Dimension (will be posted to The Trojanpear, Those Guys From Another Dimension, Squidrift Idunno, or ChillWilliWill's channel)

Friday - The Nintendo Power Adventure

Saturday - Trojanpear's Food Club (New Series of 3 food related programs)

2. I will TRY to upload a video per week with each series having varying timelines.

Monster Movie Tournament, Nintendo Power Adventure - every other month (this means one month will be one series and the next month will be the other series)

Trojanpear's Sunday School, Trojanpear's Book Club, Trojanpear's Food Club - every month

Pajama Preaching, Trojanpear's Cats, Trojanpear Presents - as needed (can be more or less often)

Those Guys From Another Dimension is a series I am not involved in as far as editing and uploading goes, but any special projects that I do will be on a as needed basis. You may see this series weekly, monthly, or not at all for months. I cannot say when they will be posted, but we have 4 episodes recorded that have yet to be uploaded.

I will stop here for now. Tomorrow, I will present the first cover art updates.

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