Saturday, March 28, 2015

New Cover Art From Thursday: Trojanpear Presents

As promised, here are my new video cover art pictures I made Thursday for my Thursday video series, Trojanpear Presents.

I have now completed all but one of my cover art pictures for Trojanpear Presents and that one video that has not been updated needs other video projects to be finished first. I like all of these, but my favorite has to be the Scarlettpear cover art because of how the background works with the original picture. Which is your favorite? 

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Trojanpear Returns!

I am back and posting new videos again. Here is my first one of 2015: A Message From The Trojanpear.

In this simple 7 minute video, I explain my absence and plans for the future. I will be updating my video cover art as well as moving around some of my videos. This has already begun as I did several cover art updates last night. I will post those updates tomorrow on the blog. I note in the video that I will be updating regularly but was somewhat vague about how often because things change constantly and I did not want to commit myself to something I could not deliver. Let me try to explain my goal:

1. I will be posting in 7 - 9 categories with each playlist assigned to a specific day of the week to be uploaded.

Sunday - Trojanpear's Sunday School, Pajama Preaching (will be posted to either The Trojanpear channel or Trojanpear's Sunday School channel)

Monday - Monster Movie Tournament

Tuesday - Trojanpear's Cats

Wednesday - Trojanpear's Book Club

Thursday - Trojanpear Presents, Those Guys From Another Dimension (will be posted to The Trojanpear, Those Guys From Another Dimension, Squidrift Idunno, or ChillWilliWill's channel)

Friday - The Nintendo Power Adventure

Saturday - Trojanpear's Food Club (New Series of 3 food related programs)

2. I will TRY to upload a video per week with each series having varying timelines.

Monster Movie Tournament, Nintendo Power Adventure - every other month (this means one month will be one series and the next month will be the other series)

Trojanpear's Sunday School, Trojanpear's Book Club, Trojanpear's Food Club - every month

Pajama Preaching, Trojanpear's Cats, Trojanpear Presents - as needed (can be more or less often)

Those Guys From Another Dimension is a series I am not involved in as far as editing and uploading goes, but any special projects that I do will be on a as needed basis. You may see this series weekly, monthly, or not at all for months. I cannot say when they will be posted, but we have 4 episodes recorded that have yet to be uploaded.

I will stop here for now. Tomorrow, I will present the first cover art updates.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The NCAA Tournament Begins Again

It's that time again. Time to fill out the brackets and watch the NCAA and NIT tournaments. I am hoping I do much better than I did after last year's debacle. It was easily my worst year ever. Maybe this year I will actually do well in the NIT tournament. Already I am 4-1 which is good start. I also got the first NCAA match correct as well. We will see how things play out the rest of the evening. Here are the remaining predictions:


Ole Miss over BYU


Texas A&M over Montana
Illinois over Alabama
Stanford over UC Davis
Murray St over UTEP