Sunday, November 30, 2014

More Cover Art Updates For Trojanpear's Sunday School Series

Today I finished all my cover art updates for the Trojanpear Sunday School series. I will not do a cover art update for my Intro video on Trojanpear's Sunday School; in fact, I may delete that video in the future. I still haven't decided. Anyway, here are my three cover art updates. You can check the videos out on my Trojanpear Youtube page.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cover Art Updated On Trojanpear's Book Club Videos

I have finally decided the theme for my Trojanpear's Book Club cover art and posted my first two last week for the Bunnicula Series and The Purpose Driven Life. I hope to be starting my new format to the series soon, but until then I will continue to work on the cover art. Here are the two new postings:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

New Cover Art for Three Trojanpear Cats Videos

I enjoyed how these three new cover art pictures turned out. They are for Dope Party, Snow Day, and Dope Party 2. There are 7 more videos for Trojanpear's Cats still to be updated. You can check these videos out and more on my Youtube channel, The Trojanpear.